
Buy a New Outfit! No Need for an Affair...

"I find sometimes it's easy to be myself; sometimes I find it's better to be somebody else"
-Dave Matthews Band

This quote was on the board in Ms. Serensky's room last Thursday. I felt that this really related to the chapter we read for that day, chapter 10. At first, I thought that this really applied to Gogol's life; he always seemed to be living through a girlfriend. But, upon further thinking, I found that I really believe this applies to Moushumi's life. Throughout the book I have criticized Gogol for his failure to find exactly what he wanted to do in life. For example, in France, Gogol wanted to go out and see the city as a tourist, yet when he was out he "wants to go back to the apartment [and] hold Moushumi in his arms" (232). Gogol's constant uncertainty never fails to frustrate me.  But, after further thinking, I realized Moushumi is the one who is truly trying to be someone else. In the class discussion, we talked about how she always discusses Graham and still has not been able to move on from that part of her life, her wedding to Gogol was very similar to how her wedding should've been with Graham, and she still keeps her wedding dress. Those are both big red flags showing someone trying to reclaim a past identity. Her entire situation with Dimitri also shows her attempt to "be somebody else." She says that the affair "reminds her of living in Paris" (264). Another part of Moushumi's life that always is discussed in the story, Moushumi has a longing to still be the person she was in Paris. It seems there could be a better way to hold on to the past that doesn't involve ruining someone's life (Gogol). Instead of having a secret life, she should just buy herself a few different outfits. It is a much easier way to take on a new personality, and its even better because you're not wrecking a marriage!

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